
Need a job? We can help!

(In some cases transportation is also available to/from Garland to interview or job sites)

Where? Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), 217 N. 10th St, Garland, TX 75040

What? Job search assistance, job skills training, job fair host, child-care assistance, educational support, vocational rehab, civil rights & discrimination, economic development.


Where? Anthem Strong Families, 8500 N. Stemmons Frwy #1050  Dallas, TX 75247

What? Job support and search assistance through various programs

Contact? 214-426-0900  Ext 107 Anthem Strong Families  c/o Larry Walker

Where?  D.E.C. Southwest Center Mall, 2nd Floor, 3662 W Camp Wisdom Rd Dallas, TX 75237  

What? Warehouse Jobs in Ennis, TX with transportation service, applications taken Tues and Thurs 1 -4 PM

Contact? 469-818-7989 Southern Dallas Links c/o Curtis Corbins


 Where? VSSI Staffing, 1144 N. Plano Rd. #111  Richardson, TX 75081

What? Temp and Permanent Jobs (Most require Drug Test)

Contact? 469-222-8032 c/o Eric Trieu (Anthem partnership)



DART DAY PASSES (free) are often available from First Presbyterian Church, 930 W Ave B Garland, TX 75040, Mon-Fri 11 am-1 pm. Go to the church office on the north side of the building. Consider calling first to make sure they haven’t run out.

Contact? 972-272-2595 FPCGARLANDTX@GMAIL.COM

You can also call LARRY WALKER of Anthem Strong Families at 214-270-5059 to inquire about transportation to any of the locations listed above ONLY for initial interviews.

know of other job and transportation resources for the homeless in Garland? Let us know and we’ll add them to the list! contact us